Forgotten Coast En Plein Air: America's Great Paint-Out
Friday, March 21, 2025 from 12:00pm to 02:00pm
Forgotten Coast En Plein Air: America's Great Paint-Out
The Joe Center for the Arts
201 Reid Avenue
Friday, March 21, 2025
12:00PM 2:00PM
Lunch and Learn with Mark Shasha
Join Mark Shasha as he presents the topic, "The Wonders of Painting the Sea." Mark will share his observations and techniques of capturing the mysterious and ever-changing properties of the ocean. He will talk about the illusions of reflection and motion and why he loves to bring water into his paintings. Mark is a Signature Member of the American Society of Marine Artists and The Guild of Boston Artists.
The Lunch and Learn series is limited lunch seating at the The Joe Center for the Arts, 201 Reid Avenue in Port St. Joe. It will be held at 12 noon on Friday, March 21st, $20 per person. Premium table seating with lunch is provided for those with required reservations via the website. Once the event is sold out, overflow seating is provided behind the reserved lunch seats for those just attending the presentation with no lunch provided and no preregistration required.
The Joe Center for the Arts - 201 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, FL, 32456
Date: March 14 - 23, 2025