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Exhibition - Ted Williams: The Splendid Splinter in Waterbury

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 11:00am to 05:00pm

Mattatuck Museum

144 West Main Street

Waterbury, CT, 06702


Ted Williams: The Splendid Splinter in Waterbury explores the remarkable life and impact of Baseball Hall of Famer Ted Williams. Presented through the Frederic "Flyhawk" Koch collection of Williams' art and memorabilia, generously donated in honor of his father, the exhibition encapsulates the legendary player's career and enduring legacy.

Location: History Gallery

$15 - Adults
$12 - Seniors
$10 - College Students (with ID)
$ 8 - Children - 5-18
FREE - Members (Join now!), Military & Children Under 5

Exhibition - Ted Williams: The Splendid Splinter in Waterbury is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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