New Songs For The Season: A Cabaret of Original Holiday Music
New Songs For The Season: A Cabaret of Original Holiday Music
If you're tired of hearing the same holiday songs on repeat, this is the show for you! Join us for an evening of original holiday music that captures the full range of emotions the holidays can bring. Celebrate the season with unique tunes, holiday cheer, and the chance to support local artists and songwriters from across the country. Starring Emma Ackerman, Erin Banthoff, Jessica Erin Swanson, Katelyn Kendrick, Markus Rodriguez-Intulaksana and River Hetzel.
Featuring songs by Becca Blackmore, Julian Blackmore, Bryan Blaskie, Susan L. Borowski, Lisa Brigantino, Brandon Brush, Omar Camps-Kamrin, Andrew Zachary Cohen, Lara Cody, Freddy Curci, Sydney E. Crutcher, Eddie Bean, Nathan Dennis, Michael Dilthey, Brian Leahy Doyle, Cristina Franciosa, Andrew Fox, Laurie Hochman, Sara Horton, Justin Anthony Long, Alison O'Brien, Steven Silverstein, Melanie Wiggins
Tickets: $24 In Person / $15 Streaming
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Click Here to Buy Streaming Tickets