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Midsummer Shakespeare Festival - La Tempestad

Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 08:00pm

Midsummer Shakespeare Festival

Sontag Greek Theater, Pomona College

300 E. Bonita

Claremont, CA, 91711


La Tempestad (or Shakespeare Goes Caribbean)
By William Shakespeare
Adapted and directed by Beatrice Casagrán

This bilingual adaptation of The Tempest is set on Isla de Pinos off the Coast of Cuba. A story of betrayal, forgiveness, and magic, OJP’s adaptation of The Tempest, La Tempestad,  is told in the original Shakespearian text with interspersed Spanish. The magic of the island’s spirits (Orishas) is exercised through afro-Cuban music and dance.  Director/Adaptor Beatrice Casagrán is joined by Cuban musicians and composers Andres Vadin (guitar) and Arturo Stable (percussion) who compose & perform afro-cuban influenced music for this most musical & magical of Shakespeare’s comedies. This production is going to be an energetic and vibrant retelling of Shakespeare’s story from a fresh perspective.

Choreography by Kati Hernandez, Music by Arturo Stable & Andres Vadin

Green Show starts nightly at 7:00pm.

$40 General Admission
$25 College and HS Students with ID
$Children (10 and under) free with accompanying general admission adult ticket.

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Midsummer Shakespeare Festival - La Tempestad is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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