Halloween Swingthing
Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 11:00am
Halloween Swingthing
Hilton Orange County Costa Mesa
3050 Bristol Street
For The First Time Ever, We Are Offering Two Intensives At Halloween Swingthing.
Schedule of events
11:00am - Workshop Joel And Chantelle (All Levels) Intensive Sean And Alyssa "Night Of The Living Dead
12:00pm - Workshop Ben And Cameo (All Levels) Swing That Works For Late Night And The Competition Floor."
1:00pm - Social Dancing - Private Lessons
1:30pm - Wsdc Jack And Jill Finals Newcomer, Intermediate
Novice, Masters, Advanced, All-Star
3:30pm - Wsdc Jack And Jill Prelims And Finals Champions
Awards For Saturday And Sunday Contests
After Jnj Finals! Sunday Funday
Night Club Experience Dinner Break
8pm - 2am - After Party Moves To The Cascade Ballroom - Party In The "The Crypt Club" With Meech'n Friends