Cloak and Dagger Wines
Welcome to Cloak & Dagger Wines, where operational security is a very high priority – almost as high as making excellent wine. If you are not using a secure server with military grade encryption, please log off now and exercise more caution in the future.
At Cloak & Dagger Wines, we conspire to produce exceptional wines in extremely limited quantities. Our wines are handcrafted in secret at The Undisclosed Location. The exact coordinates of The Undisclosed Location are classified and attempting to locate it would be highly ill-advised. However, we now offer tasting at our intriguing Downtown Paso Robles location.
Minimum security tasting is available at our Tasting Lounge in downtown Paso Robles. Unofficially, we refer to this location as The Tasting Lounge. In order to avoid attracting attention, The Tasting Lounge is located in a small historic building in the town square, overlooking the City Park. Outward appearances would suggest the Lounge is little more than a delightful wine tasting venue in the heart of Paso Robles’ vibrant downtown scene. Appearances can be deceiving.