2024 Obon Festival
Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 05:00pm
Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church
32975 Alvarado Niles Rd
Obon Festival, Saturday August 10th, 2024
Food Sales: 5:00 pm•Obon Dance: 7:00 pm
The Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church invites all community members to their annual Festival of Obon Saturday, August 10, 2024! Featured entertainment will include Obon dancing with music by The San Jose Chidori Band. There will be authentic Japanese food for sale.
Obon, also referred to as Kangi-e, is a “Joyous gathering with dharma dance.” Colorful yukata-clad dancers perform dances of joy, marking a memorial day honoring departed loved ones and offering thanks. This annual celebration expresses joy and gratitude to those who made our own lives possible.
In the weeks prior to the festival, there will be FREE Obon practice sessions for those looking to learn the dances ahead of time, or to brush up on their moves. These will start at 7:00 pm on 7/30, 8/1, 8/5, 8/7 & 8/8, and will be held in the Sangha Hall at SACBC. Dance Practices are OPTIONAL — you need not practice to participate in the event. Everyone can come join us and dance!
On Sunday, August 11, 10am, SACBC will hold its annual Buddhist Obon Spiritual Service for our departed loved ones. This will be given by our resident minister, Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji. Those who recently lost their loved ones within the past year are especially welcomed. We will be conducting a special service for them called Hatsubon (First Obon Service). During this festival and remembrance, our caring and gratitude extends to all people and all living beings.
Info: sacbcoffice@gmail.com
510-471-2581 office