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Membership Rally for AZWMSOS to STOP LAVA RUN!

Saturday, August 17, 2024 from 09:00am to 10:30am

American Legion, 825 East Main Street

Springerville, AZ, 85938



We are a grassroots concerned citizens group created to educate the public on the long-term negative impact "Lava Run Wind and Solar Projects" will have on our local environment, health, economy and open spaces. "Lava Run" is a Wind and Solar Project from Global Corporation, "Repsol Renewables". They have targeted our area for an installation of 110+ wind turbines, each reaching over 650 feet high, along AZ US 60 West of Springerville between mile markers 380 to 370 and a massive solar field close to the Springerville Generating Station. These installations would include widespread trenching for electrical lines, several substations, a concrete factory, roads and overhead high voltage lines spiderwebbing throughout the open spaces. This stretch is one of our most breathtaking scenic roads flanked with open spaces of lava fields and rolling grasslands. Repsol is bringing promises of big money to Apache County. What are they really bringing? Find out at the rally. We, at Arizona White Mountains Save Open Spaces (AZWMSOS), are working hard to stop the project and we need your help. Please join us for donuts and coffee and learn about this project from the citizens' standpoint. We need volunteers for community outreach, attending public meetings, research, fundraising and spreading the word to keep Repsol Renewables out of our community. We will be selling T-shirts and stickers, speaking on pertinent topics, petition signing, letter writing and having open discussions after our speakers. Learn what you can do to stand up against this global giant. Let's not let Lava Run destroy our grazing and hunting lands for the unforeseeable future. The environment will NEVER recover from this proposed project. Together we have a louder voice! Look for our red T-shirts. We are excited to meet you and we thank you in advance.

Category: Attractions | Talks and Lectures

Membership Rally for AZWMSOS to STOP LAVA RUN! is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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