Combs St. Church of Christ
The Combs Street Church of Christ ---- our mission is to Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every creature as Jesus commanded (Mark 16:15-16). Those of us associated with the work at the Combs Street Church of Christ strive to fulfill this directive by teaching and preaching the gospel as widely as possible through every legitimate means at our disposal.
We work to live, worship, and present ourselves according to the Bible, God's holy word. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Schedule of Services and Classes
Sunday Bible Study (all ages)............................................10:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship.................................................11:00 A.M.
Brothers Meeting/Class 2nd & 4th Mondays......................6:30 P.M.
Sisters Bible Class 2nd & 4th Sundays...............................3:30 P.M.
Wednesday Bible Classes...................................................7:00 P.M. (ONLINE)