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Ye Olde Harvest Festival

Sunday, October 06, 2024 from 12:00pm to 07:00pm

Ye Olde Harvest Festival

Karen Hornaday Park

Homer, AK, 99603


There will be the Sparkling Cove, with the Mermaid Grotto- that will have chess set up, kid, crafting area, vendors, and of course, our mermaid queen!

The neutral zone that will have the Night Alley full of magic and mystery! Games and delights abound!

The Mystic Forest that holds the fairy ring, where there will be our Fairy Queen, magical creatures, bubbles, and Kid crafting, vendors and more!

Davy Jones Locker with Black Beards Ally, And Vikings from the deep, here you’ll find the Pirate King and Queen, face painting, and tattoos, vendors, and more!

The Sword in the Stone area, where there will be local farmers with their wonderful delights, photo booth, information, booth, sparring ring, and jousting!

With the feast and beasts, we’ve got the main stage with music and events happening all day, a variety of tasty treats to tantalize the taste buds! Beyond this and the neutral zone is the Tavern- details to follow on that delightful place!

So mark your calendars, get in touch and join the fun!

Ye Olde Harvest Festival is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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